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What is Naturopathic Animal Medicine and why is it different to conventional veterinary medicine?

The naturopathic philosophy to animal health involves looking at each individual animal as a ‘whole’ – the animal’s mental, physical and emotional aspects are all taken into consideration – not just their presenting symptoms.

As a scientist as well as a naturopathic physician, I realise that the animal’s symptoms are just an expression of an underlying imbalance in their body and therefore I always aim to identify the underlying causes of the animals symptoms or health disorder, rather than just treating their superficial symptoms. This method of healing helps ensure that there is a complete recovery of disease, rather than just short term suppression of symptoms.

The body usually has a wonderful ability to heal itself, even from serious diseases such as cancer – when given the right conditions for healing. However, when the body is in balance it doesnt usually suffer from cancer or allergies or heart disease or skin conditions or diabetes or thyroid disorders in the first place – these are all signs that there is some kind of imbalance in the body.

Identifying the cause of these imbalances so that you can help reverse the damage they are causing to your pets health and helping to ensure these imbalances are prevented in the future, is an integral part of naturopathic animal care.

Yours in Health,

Sar Rooney BHSc., ND., DC., DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MHATO, MATMS.
Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Health Scientist, Zoologist 

Naturopathic Animal Services


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267 Responses

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