All nutrients play an important role in your dog’s body and therefore we should try to avoid them becoming deficient in any vitamins, minerals, amino acids or essential fatty acids. However, vitamin D is one of the nutrients that has an effect on their whole body, so it is really important to ensure they are not deficient in this vital nutrient.
Optimum levels of Vit. D3 have been shown to help prevent cancer and to positively effect the following conditions:
* Obesity
* Heart Disease
* Diabetes
* Dementia
* Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis
* Gum disease
* Teeth cavities
* Bone disorders
* Hormonal imbalances
* Depression
* A number of autoimmune disorders
* Many other health disorders
Is your dog deficient in this vital nutrient?
Well, that depends on whether or not there are adequate levels in their diet. Unlike humans, dogs (and cats) cannot synthesize adequate levels of vitamin D3 through their skin. Therefore, if you believe that your pooch wouldn’t be vitamin D deficient because they are always outside and receive plenty of sunshine, this may not be the case at all as dogs are reliant on the dietary intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D which is of animal origin and is the most beneficial to dogs. Vitamin D2 is of plant origin and can still be useful, but vitamin D3 is required in larger amounts.
Sources of vitamin D3
Good sources of vitamin D3 for your dog include oily fish such as sardines, salmon and herring. Veal, beef and egg yolks also provide good amounts of vitamin D. If you feel that your dog requires supplementation for vitamin D3, you may like to try a high quality cod liver oil supplement. I give our dogs and cats a few drops of a pure, cod liver oil liquid once a day, mixed in with their food just to be sure. If you decide to give your dog cod liver oil, just make sure that the one you buy is guaranteed to be free from toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead, as there are many cheap products out there these days that are far from healthy and your dog would be better off without these.
Avoiding nutrient deficiencies is one of the best ways to prevent many illnesses and conditions in your dog – don’t wait for disease to develop.
Take action and ensure you practice preventative health for your pets by identifying vitamin D deficiency and treating it.
Yours in Health,
Sar Rooney BHSc., ND., DC., DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MHATO, MATMS. Canine Naturopath, Naturopathic Physician, Research Health Scientist, ZoologistNaturopathic Animal Services
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Hi Aleen,
Yes we have an RSS feed – you can find it at the top right of the site. I’m not sure what you mean about the linking to your site but if you mean linking your site to this one, that’s fine – quite a lot of people list this site on their websites for their readers to look at.
Kind regards
Sar Rooney
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